Did Moses Grab the Ark & Run?

Nov 14, 2013 Comments Off on Did Moses Grab the Ark & Run? by

This is a topic that has fascinated me for some time. We can’t verify it completely at this point, but the evidence is mounting.

If you recall the Exodus account in the Bible, you know that the Pharaoh decided to let Moses take the Jews and leave Egypt. He had the OK to leave following all of the Plagues. In fact, Pharaoh probably couldn’t wait to get them out of the land as Egypt had suffered greatly through the judgments of the Lord.

1Have you ever found it curious that as Moses was leading his people out of Egypt, the Pharaoh suddenly commanded his entire army to go after Moses and stop him? Why the change of heart? Why risk further judgment at the hand of God through Moses?

This is where a mystery may come into play. During recent investigations of the pyramids (see T2B posts on this topic), archeologists have discovered that they were not burial chambers, but the structures were in fact, giant machines that created wireless electricity.

Inside the PyramidsIn the King’s chamber of the great pyramid, there is a carved box structure. We had been told in the past that this was the sarcophagus of the dead Pharaoh. But what they didn’t tell us, was that the dimensions could not hold a mummified corpse. The measurements are all wrong.

What they DID find out however, is that the measurements of the chamber exactly match the Biblical ‘Arc of the Covenant’.

There are stories in the Bible of men carrying the Arc that were killed when improperly handling the structure. They also disobeyed the Lord by touching the Ark.

…Uzzah put out his hand to take hold of the ark, for the oxen stumbled… struck him down… and he died there before God. 1 Chron 13

Scientists believe that the Arc was a capacitor. We believers know it is much more than that… but we may not have understood it’s electrical properties until now.

If this capacitor was removed from the pyramid, the entire land of Egypt would have lost it’s electrical power and society (probably not unlike our own) would then collapse.

What if the Pharaoh initially allowed Moses to leave Egypt with his people… but when Moses took the Ark with him (and we KNOW he indeed was traveling with the Ark) the Pharaoh immediately gathered his army to go after Moses and secure the Ark.

He was SO driven to retrieve it that he was willing to risk the drowning of the entire Army in the Red Sea as it was parted supernaturally by the Lord’s had at Moses’ command.

Isn’t it interesting to note that Egypt collapsed from it’s greatness, and to this day has never recovered the power and influence it once had.tower

For those of you who have read the research of Tesla, you know that in 1917 he built a tower based on the pyramid technology that produced free energy. He produce negative ions and was able to transfer them without the use of wires or cables.

At the World Fair, Tesla demonstrated that the US could use this free energy instead of the AC current with copper wire. If you recall, this is at the time when big names like J.P. Morgan and others were manipulating the market so that the government would choose to use their copper wire technology over any other. Why? Because they owned all of the copper mines and transportation systems that would make them billionaires. But that is another story…

bulbAt the world fair, Tesla was able to conduct safe electricity via the air and light up a bulb he held in his hand! No wires, no cables, just a bulb lit by wireless current. Can you imagine where we would be today if we would have had free energy for the past 100 years? There would be no need for mid east oil, wars and greed because there would be no profit from energy. But again, I digress…

bulbsIf you study the stories and pics the Egyptians placed on the walls of the pyramids and for that matter, all around Egypt… you’ll see many figures holding light bulbs with filaments inside of them. Other pictures show people holding metal devices up to the filaments to change electrical states within the bulbs.

I’ll look forward to more research that is coming out on this topic, and promise to post what is found here on T2B.

Archeology, GeoPolitical, Technology

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Time to Believe Administrator

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