Digital Biology & Fallen DNA

Oct 04, 2015 No Comments by

From: Face Like the Sun
By: Anthony Patch

It’s all about the DNA!

This Canary Cry interview with Anthony Patch discusses his research on everything from Saturn to synthetic DNA and the diamond quantum computer that will create the global lock down, and the habitation of nephilim and demons on earth. All of this is tied to the image and mark of the beast.


From: Associated Press
DNA can Store Digital Data
It can store the information from a million CDs in a space no bigger than your little finger, and could keep it safe for centuries. Is this some new electronic gadget? Nope. It’s DNA.

The genetic material has long held all the information needed to make plants and animals, and now some scientists are saying it could help handle the growing storage needs of today’s information society.

Researchers reported Wednesday that they had stored all 154 Shakespeare sonnets, a photo, a scientific paper, and a 26-second sound clip from Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. That all fit in a barely visible bit of DNA in a test tube.

The process involved converting the ones and zeroes of digital information into the four-letter alphabet of DNA code. That code was used to create strands of synthetic DNA. Then machines “read” the DNA molecules and recovered the encoded information. That reading process took two weeks, but technological advances are driving that time down, said Ewan Birney of the European Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton, England. He’s an author of a report published online by the journal Nature.

DNA could be useful for keeping huge amounts of information that must be kept for a long time but not retrieved very often, the researchers said. Storing the DNA would be relatively simple, they said: Just put it in a cold, dry and dark place and leave it alone.

Kosuri’s co-author, Harvard DNA expert George Church, said the technology could let a person store all of Wikipedia on a fingertip, and all the world’s information now stored on disk drives could fit in the palm of the hand.

Astronomy, Coming Deception, End of Days, Nephilim Study, Prophecy, Supernatural, Technology, Tribulation

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