We Have A Month

Aug 11, 2015 Comments Off on We Have A Month by

By: Richard Shaw
From: LAMarzulli.net

It is our duty to be studying the signs of the times. I write about this often but events are now happening so fast that it’s impossible to keep up with them. You’ll see what we discovered in WATCHERS 9, and we’re now rushing to complete the film. Things just kept happening while we were in production. We wonder if this might be our last WATCHERS. In the past month we’ve seen events emerge that I never thought possible in America. The embracing of Iran’s nuclear program with a deal that is so unbelievably short-sided and bizarre that many consider it treasonous. It is an embracing of Islamic values over that of America’s own founding beliefs, kowtowing to the Iranian corrupt leadership, in an attempt to gain favor and mostly for political legacy brownie points for Obama. Kerry comes across completely feckless, at times unaware of all the facts, deferring to the United Nations on issues that affect the US to a huge degree — all while Iran continues to march and chant “death to America” throughout the whole process. You can’t write this stuff.

We’re not as naive to think that the whole country of Iran feels this way. We have it on good authority that much of these demonstrations are staged events for the camera, and that the majority of the Iranian people are not haters of America but good people. But the fact remains that their Islamic religious leadership is bent on the destruction of the U.S. and Israel, and they have no qualms in stating it openly. For them, to not state it would be like a Christian denying Christ. It is all based on their belief this will hasten the Imam —their messiah. Such a nation should not be given a pathway to a nuclear weapon, and yet, this treaty that the U.S. has agreed to — much of it we learn has secret clauses attached — seems to postpone a problem that we know is festering and will never end. Only a president with ties to Islam could ever produce such a one-sided agreement. In other countries, the military would have taken over, the president impeached and removed from office, but not here. The presidential oath has been broken, to protect America from all enemies both foreign and domestic. We now give the United Nations first priority over our own Congress! How did this happen?

Commentator Rush Limbaugh had some startling theories the other day, “Republican Behavior Too Weird,” and postulated “none of it makes any sense.” Weeks earlier, L.A. and I were talking that our officials in Washington seemed to be under some kind of threat — possibly extortion of some kind, to keep them from functioning as they should. Was House Speaker John Boehner, being threatened? He is now being asked to step down in an unprecedented upheaval in DC. Then a few days later, Rush stated pretty much what L.A. and I were discussing. Here is his comment as reprinted in WND:

“We could speculate, you know, what does ‘follow the money’ mean?” Limbaugh wondered aloud. “Is there blackmail? Is there bribery going on or promises of financial wealth after retirement or whatever? Except these guys don’t retire and go home. They stay there. So I don’t know.”

What is also interesting is the culmination of events that L.A. has also written about in his blog, but that now are almost upon us. We have one more month before all the craziness of this coming September are here. I’ve seen and heard predictions my entire life, but nothing even close to what is currently transpiring. As you know, I am a studier of the Torah Codes and while the film I did about them has already been released, the phenomena continues unabated. I continue to receive incredible code Tables almost daily, mostly from my friend rabbi Matityahu Glazerson.

He travels a lot. This week he is in South Africa with one of his sons. He called and talked for almost an hour this week, sharing his latest tables that we put together on the phone, doing the English transcription like we always do. It has become a familiar process for me. These tables are now focusing on “Messiah” as well as the Hebrew year 5776. I did an interview with Glazerson a couple months ago that is now on YouTube, and it has been shared many times and has gone viral.

While most of this clip deals with gematria, there are also Code tables that I’ve mentioned before in other articles.


The above Table requires a bit of explanation. The two phrases, “Coming out of” means right after Sabbatical. The year is 5776, which happens mid-September. Since we did this piece there has been a wave of interest in Israel from other rabbis who are investigating more gematria (the science of numbers in scripture) and finding many references to 5776, the Hebrew calendar year of 2016. That year flips during Rosh Hashanah, celebrated on September 14-15. The end of the Shemitah (Sabbatical year) also falls on the 15th which could be a huge global shakeup of financial events. The last Blood Moon appears on the 28th, which again falls on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

I’ve never seen such parallels and interest on what used to be obscure Jewish holidays to most Americans, now taking center stage. Part of this interest has been researched by rabbi Jonathan Cahn who wrote the best-selling book “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” (various spellings exist of the word). Other rabbis do not agree with Cahn’s findings, saying that these edicts were for Israel, not other countries. But Cahn’s own research seems to indicate that every time there was what he calls a “super Shemitah” or a Jubilee year, that the rest of the world has been effected in modern times. The Christian church has basically ignored — to its own peril I might add — the ancient Jewish laws, believing that Yeshua has dissolved all of those. It is true that the laws of sin and death were transmuted because of Christ, but these other Jewish holidays and customs were based on God’s instruction and now we are forced to reconsider that ignoring them could be disastrous. Not that we live under the hundreds of rules under the old Law, but that there are other devices God has set in place that have become important to everyone living on the earth. One of them that every 50 years all debts would be wiped away — if indeed it was meant for everybody. If this is true, then we are in for an incredible world-shaking event in the month of September. Never has the world been ruled by such a small group of powerful people involved in world banking like it currently is.

The countries of the world are in debt in the hundreds of trillions of dollars — a debt so large that it could never be repaid. The Greeks voted down their involvement with the EU,but they still were sucked back into it via Germany whether they wanted it or not. So powerful is this group that no one dare oppose it. Money is now the most powerful force in the world, drumming up greed and evil never seen at such dramatic levels in human history. The Planned Parenthood scandal, the situation in Greece, the economies collapsing in China, the temporary glitch in the US Stock markets a few weeks ago (which most insiders believe was intentional) and the corporate owned media there to deceive us — we’re on a precipice never before seen at such breathtaking proportions. Add to the fact that there have never been this many people on the earth before, we live in unprecedented times.

There have also been global upheavals in the past few weeks that are not political, but geo-physical, as the number of volcanos erupting has caused alarm. Earthquakes are increasing, with several this past week along the ring of fire. Just as I write this, there was a 7.0 near Indonesia, a 6.9 near Nikolski in Alaska and a 6.9 near the Redoubt Volcano in Alaska. Fontana, CA got a 4.2 a few days ago, and while we’re used to earthquakes here, the frequency and magnitude of the surrounding quakes cause us to wonder when we’ll see the “big one.” There have also been warnings of future quakes in areas not heard of before, such as the Pacific Northwest. We always expected L.A. to be the epicenter, and it may well be, but now scientists are discovering enormous faults in other areas of stress along the entire Western coast of the U.S. We can only wait and see. While all this is happening, the unusual presence of earthquakes continues in the state of Oklahoma, with a 4.5 registering about 45 miles north of Oklahoma City. Authorities say it’s due to fracking. It is really?

Sales of guns, ammo and survival gear have made millionaires out of relatively common people. The current Jade Helm 15 exercise causes many people to wonder what is actually going on, but Dr. Brooks Agnew who flew in for an interview in WATCHERS 9 believed that the word “HELM” is an acronym for “Homeland Eradication of Local Militia.” On the military’s map, Texas is considered “hostile.” There are others who have had dreams that the city of Lubbock may become a sanctuary city for those seeking refuge during the coming times of trouble. We can’t say for certain. Next month, if we’re still here, I will write an update on Planet X, which continues to generate enormous global interest. Could there be scriptural evidence that we’re about to see this happen again?

America, Economy, GeoPolitical, Preparation, Prophecy, Tribulation

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Time to Believe Administrator

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