Hybrid Age

Jan 29, 2013 Comments Off on Hybrid Age by

“With knowledge comes burden”. The more I learn about some of life’s mysteries the more I agree with this phrase.

I’m sort of amazed that people seem to be so apathetic about what is going on. Maybe it is because things seem a bit out of control and it is easier to bury one’s head in the sand.

The reason for this T2B web site is to wake people to what is indeed going on and how these events will affect the future. If you don’t understand what has happened in the past, you won’t recognize the deception when it returns in your lifetime.

Unfortunately, the enemy has manipulated our past and re-written history. Through some of our political, economic and spiritual leaders, a great mystery has been buried. But those of us that have studied “the book” know how it ends. It is the process of getting there that is the challenge.

This weekend, the news announced that scientists have been storing data on DNA. The examples provided were of MPEG and video files placed within DNA. Of course, the public only hears what is provided, and this kind of science has evolved way beyond what we see and hear on the news. It is typically said, that the public is shown technology that is usually 20+ years old.

The news this weekend also talked about the coming “Designer DNA” ability we will have. To give humans night vision like an owl, day vision like an eagle, sonic hearing like a dolphin… and on and on it goes.

This tampering with DNA is EXACTLY what happened in ancient times (and is the focus of T2B). The Bible states that “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man”. In other words, the events that led up to the Flood, will happen again on earth just before Christ’s return.

If you’re one of the folks who tends to bury your head in the sand, take a look at some OLD techological innovations:

-In 1978, we were told about the first test tube baby

-In 1980 the US Patent Office provided legal patents for genetically altered bacteria that could “eat oil” and clean up spills. Since then, thousands of patents have been issued for genetically engineered plants, viruses, bacteria, animals and food.

-In 1988, a patent was given for a mouse that contained a cancer predisposing gene. These mice ALWAYS produce cancer as they mature and thus are used for cancer research

-In 1997, the first sheep and monkey were cloned. President Clinton signed a bill that made it illegal to clone humans (in the US). Believe me, that cat has been out of the bag for a long time. And those groups that are up to no good do not use patents anyway:(

-In 2002, scientists added a gene to a mouse from a jellyfish, creating the first glow-in-the-dark mouse. This has since been done to cats, pigs and monkeys.

-In 2008, a mouse that had been dead (frozen) for 16 years was cloned four times. The same group has been working on cloning an extinct woolly mammoth.

-In 2009, the Pyrenean Ibex which became extinct in 2000 was cloned.

-In 2008, a England law was passed allowing the creation of human-animal hybrids. As long as they are destroyed in 14 days. About 200 embryos have been “reported” to have been created. Both cybrids and chimeras. In other words, animal-like humans… and human-like animals.

-In 2012, cow DNA was altered to include human DNA so that the animal produces human antibodies.

While one can see the potential benefits of all of these “advances”, does it shock you at all? Does it concern you? Have you read in the bible what happened to life on earth that resulted in the Lord having to destroy almost all living creatures in the flood.

Let’s leap forward and see if you can follow me here. One of my favorite authors and researchers, Tom Horn, has a new book coming out called “Exo Vaticana”. I strongly recommend that you purchase this book for your research library.

For those of you that have some understanding of biblical propchecy and escatology… let me provide you with a couple questions to ponder:

1- What event could occur during the tribulation period that would cause most of the world’s population to leave their faith and follow something completely new? Seriously think about this. What event would be SO dramatic, SO remarkable, SO deceptive that the ENTIRE world (even the “elect” who know the Bible) will buy into the trap?

When you consider that the major religions have been fighting for a few thousand years over their beliefs, what could possibly unite ALL the people of the world under ONE “religion”?

2- What deception would be SO convincing, perhaps SO terrifying, perhaps SO wonderfully seductive that the ALL the armies of the world gather together to fight the Lord when He returns to earth?

If you don’t have the answer, I belive you will find it here on T2B. It is critically important to your future for you to understand the past. What were the Nehpilim? What was Satan trying to accomplish on the earth? How does the return of the Nephilim look in the coming days? Who is involved in the lie (willingly or unknowingly) and how is the deception delivered to the people?

Astronomy, Coming Deception, End of Days, Nephilim Study, Prophecy, Supernatural, Technology, UFOs

About the author

Time to Believe Administrator

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