Ancient Findings

Sep 09, 2013 Comments Off on Ancient Findings by

1Many prehistoric sculptures, such as those from Ecuadorian caves, show gods with helmets and facial masks. Some of the helmets are surrounded by a ring of light. – On old images, we find gods in strange suits. They are equipped with modern-looking equipment. Were there real models? The myths of nearly all cultural areas tell of godlike beings. They came from the heavens in forgotten times. On Earth, they passed their rich knowledge on to humans. Fantasy beings? Shamanistic imagination? Or were the mythological “gods” man were seeing actually a result of the fallen angels and the nephilim the Bible says they created?

2Millions of people have seen UFOs. Pure utopia? This metal fragment is linked to a possible UFO crash. Its chemical composition is a mystery to scientists. Unusual finds are known from ancient times as well. This UFOlike relic was found in an Egyptian grave. It does not fit into the known bird scheme. The vertical tail is more like the rudder of modern gliders. Likewise, Colombian gold miniatures show aerodynamic construction elements. However, airplane experts confirm that these do not occur in nature. Did ancient humans see unfamiliar flying machines? Were they the models for the miniatures? How does this fit into the Biblical texts that speak of a coming deception?

Many primitive peoples tell how heavenly gods visited and taught their ancestors. This is how the Dogon from the republic of Mali know astronomic details of the Sirius system. Their holy sign of iron shows the orbits of the stars Sirius B and C. Strange – the white dwarf Sirius B can only be seen with a telescope. And modern astronomy determined details only in the last century. According to our current knowledge, Sirius B takes 50 years to complete one revolution around Sirius A. Surprisingly, the Dogon have celebrated the Sirius system regularly every 50 years for generations.

Evidence continues to accumulate that explains that the “mythology” described by ancient people may have indeed been actual entities. Was it the beginning of a massive deception preparing mankind for the delusion the Bible speaks of?

Archeology, Nephilim Study, UFOs

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Time to Believe Administrator

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