Cal Tech’s Planet X

Jan 11, 2017 No Comments by

Astronomer Mike Brown is known as the man who killed Pluto after discovering that there are hundreds of ‘Pluto-sized objects’ in the solar system at the outer edges. The international astronomy association voted unanimously to downgrade Pluto from a planet rather than declare hundreds of new planets to be in existence in our solar system.

Therefore, the next planet discovered would technically be named the 9th planet not the 10th. Mike Brown is also one of the two men being credited with the ‘discovery’ of ‘Planet Nine’.

The other person is an astronomer from Cal Tech, Konstantin Batygin. In the video below, we hear Konstantin sharing mathematical proof that something huge is out there in space. Something that they appropriately nickname ‘the perturber’, he proves to us that this search for ‘Planet X’ goes back to the very early 1900’s and extended into the 1980’s as these stories from the Washington Post and NY Times prove. As Konstantin tells us, the search for ‘Planet X’ was effectively ‘killed off’…or rather ‘censored’…as something with a mass 10X that of our planet can never be ‘disappeared’.

And while an announcement hasn’t officially been made by the scientific community, the fact that the existence of ‘Planet Nine’ would answer many of the mysteries and questions that astronomers currently have about our solar system says almost as much as Konstantin and Brown say about the planet’s existence: They are positive of it.

Warning that ‘the solar system still has some tricks up its sleeve’, we learn the history of the search for ‘Planet X’ and while some will still call it a ‘conspiracy theory’ until the day that it is officially ‘discovered’, those who do the math and study the stars tell us that Planet Nine’s existence perfectly answers those mysteries that man has been trying to answer about our solar system for more than a hundred years.

[Cal Tech Video 58:00]

Astronomy, Creation, End of Days, Noah's Flood, Planet X / Nibiru, Technology, Tribulation

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